Travel Risk Consultancy Services
How can we help protect you and your organisation?
ISO31030 Consultancy
One of the most important considerations of ISO31030 is its adaptability to fit to the needs and requirements of any kind of organisation. It’s designed to layout the principals of a risk based framework that encourages the organisation to recognise travel related risks, set a tolerance and to mitigate accordingly. We’ve developed consultancy packages to meet you, wherever you are on your TRM journey and to provide you with the foundations you need to optimise your travel programme.
Set up a no obligation call to discuss your requirements today.
TRM Microservices RFX
Our founder has long been a fan of a microservices approach to Travel Management. In her first major client project she developed the first ever TRM microservices product welcoming suppliers from over 8 different parts of the process flow; unpacking services traditionally serviced by a TMC and laying out the priorities of the client around reductions, sustainable travel and traveller safety.
Set up a call to discuss you next Travel or risk solutions RFP and find out how we can support you.
Travel Risk Academy
Our unique partnership with consultant specialists in security, standards and travel provides individuals and organisations from a foundation in Travel Risk Management to qualification for Travel Risk Managers. We provide bespoke packages to support your TRM solution or work with your existing partners to design something for all of your people. We provide workshops, webinars and training to both organisations and individuals in travel optimisation management.
Join our TRA mailing list to find out about our latest courses or sessions
Understanding who your varied vendors are that support both your programme and your travellers whilst using them is an essential part of a travel security programme. Our consultants help you to build the supporting frameworks and policies as well as assisting you in choosing the partners that prioritise safety, wellbeing and sustainable business policies.
Use our contact form to book a no obligation chat about our vendor management services today.